Does Pearl Shape Affect Its Value?

Though the imagination of pearls starts with a perfectly round one, a wide range of pearl shapes offers distinctive styles and designs for jewelry.

While round pearls are the epitome of perfection, pearl shape is a significant factor in evaluating pricing.
Besides, the rarity of pearl shapes impacts its values and creates pearl enthusiasts' affection towards the distinct shape.
Also, various shapes give artisans space to show skill and creativity for modern trends.
If you want to understand the value factor, go through our guide to check different forms with proper reasons.
How Do Pearls Form Their Shape?

Once the mantle tissue or a pearl-bead nucleus inserts on the oyster, it starts to secret concentric layers of crystalline nacre.
Then, the necre begins coating the bead nucleus to form the base.
After that, the mollusk's body muscles roll gently and slowly, creating a pearl.
Now, the different layering processes of nacre cause color, size, and luster variations.
If the mollusk faces any disruption during formation, it can lead to oval, drop, circle, or button shapes.
Various Shapes of Pearls & Values

Pearls offer various shapes: true-round, near-round, semi-baroque, baroque, and circles. Let's dig into these pearl shapes in detail.
True Round Pearls

True-round pearls are the most desirable and valuable for enthusiasts as these eight-way rollers shine seamlessly in all directions.
Due to their symmetrical circle shapes, perfectly round pearls are in demand for making elegant jewelry like pendants or necklaces.
As per Pearl Singapore, the true-round pearls include an adequate nacre coating with less than 2% variation in the surface.
As a result, only 5% to 10% of pearls can qualify as round shapes in oyster farms.
So, the rarity decides the value of a perfectly round pearl strand up to $1000 to $50000.
Near Round Pearls

Near-round pearls differ slightly from true-round pearls, which may seem utterly spherical to the naked eye.
If you have trained eyes or check the shape in microscopes, you can notice irregularities with the appearance of a bit of an egg shape.
Another way to check the near-round pearls is by rolling the strand back and forth to check the variations.
Because of its round-ish appearance to the eye, near-round pearls are desirable for pearl lovers.
Hence, these round pearl cousins offer a higher price of $100 to $10000 than other shapes.
Semi-Baroque Pearls

Semi-baroque pearls cover oval, drop, or button shapes that look perfect in various jewelry designs.
Drop pearls are rounded at one end and pointed at another, offering a symmetrical tear-drop appearance.
Elasaro states the flawless pear is the second-rarest pearl shape, symbolizing religious purity and holiness.
In short, drop pearl jewelry is valuable with artistic flair and whimsy looks for pearl devotees.
On top of that, the oval pearls come in an elongated or oblong round body, widely used for designing lustrous earrings or bracelets.
With a slightly curved bottom and domed top, button pearls offer great value, ideal for pendants, earrings, or necklaces.
Baroque Pearls

Baroque pearls are around 50% to 60% of the total pearl harvest, which includes off-rounds, drops, tops, or oblong pearls.
Even these curves and ridges increase pearl reflection than round ones.
Also, the baroque's unique shapes and colors inspire artisans to show their skill and creativity with modern jewelry.
As a result, jewelry enthusiasts enjoy jewelry designs of Assael earrings, classy bracelets, and choker necklaces.
Due to the uneven shapes and availability, baroque pearl jewelry is affordable and ranges from $10 to $1000.
Circled Pearls

Circled pearls include a noticeable concentric ring-like groove with a thick layer of nacre and deep color banding.
With an excellent rate of luster, orientation, and overtone, these pearls are perfect for dangling earrings or simple pendants.
However, pearl experts consider the shape somewhat near semi-baroque, with a price range of $5 to $500.
What Impacts The Shapes of Pearls?

The insertion process of the bead nucleus into the oyster mainly decides the pearl's shape.
If the irritating thing is perfectly round, the oyster surrounds the element with a nacre layer, which can form round to near-round pearls.
In addition, the placement of the intrusive element in the center can grow perfectly round-shaped pearls.
On the other hand, placing the object on one side of the oyster may follow the wall shape and prevent growth, resulting in uneven forms.
Based On Pearl and Gold, the waves can move the oysters, distorting the growing shapes of pearls.
It is better to grow oysters in fewer wave areas near the islands to overcome such issues.
Warp Up

Primarily, the size of the bead nucleus, nacre layering, and environmental factors impact the shapes of a pearl.
Due to its seamless shine, symmetrical shapes, and rarity, true-round pearl is most valuable for pearl lovers.
From near round to baroque, the various shapes of pearls affect the value of a piece of jewelry.
So, pick a preferred pearl jewelry shape to uplift your confidence and looks!
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