Viktoriya Sus

·Smith College, BA in History and Economics

·Parsons School of Design - The New School, Associate Degree in Fashion Merchandising

·Assistant Buyer for a high-end jewelry retailer (2008-2012)

·Sales Manager for a luxury jewelry brand (2012-2014)

·VP of Sales and Buyer for various companies in the jewelry industry, specializing in precious jewelry (2015 - present)

·Regular Contributor, White Victoria Fashion and Lifestyle Blog (2019-present)

·Excellent communication and writing abilities, with a keen eye for fashion and lifestyle trends

gen z fashion

In 2024, fashion is being revolutionized by Gen Z. The youth of today are leaving their own special mark on the industry. They are embracing who they are, promoting inclusivity and diversity, and even caring about the environment.

Forget trying to fit in. For this generation, fashion is all about standing out as an individual. 

Thanks to social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest (to name just a few), these trends aren't just emerging. They're exploding online at a breakneck pace that's never been seen before.

Throughout our exploration of fashion trends created by Gen Zers, we will also make comparisons with millennials. We'll demonstrate how different generations can use style to express themselves in unique ways.

So prepare yourself. We're going to take a deep dive into how Gen Z is shaping what future generations will consider cool!

Key Characteristics of Gen Z Fashion

gen z fashion

Gen Z, or those born in the late 1990s to early 2010s, is having a major impact on fashion. Soon, they will be the most important consumer group for style companies to consider.

This generation approaches fashion differently from older ones. They think about clothes in terms of their personal identity as well as their environmental footprint. 

Plus, they're digital natives whose lives are enmeshed with social media. All these factors that make their shopping habits unique and forward-looking.

Individuality and Self-Expression

gen z fashion

To Gen Z, fashion is more than just clothes. It's an outlet to show the world who you are. Instead of following styles set by others, members of this age group create their own looks by combining different pieces

They don't want to be like everybody else. They want to be noticed. If something off-the-rack doesn't quite fit the bill? 

No problem. Gen Z is all about do-it-yourself culture. They will customize or modify clothes themselves so that what they wear does exactly what they want it to. 

Bright colors worn together boldly or lots of layers in unusual combinations? Absolutely — because these things help express individuals' uniqueness best!

Sustainability and Eco-Conscious Choices

gen z fashion

As the first group to grow up with full knowledge of climate change and environmental problems, Gen Z cares about sustainability. This applies to fashion, too. They want eco-friendly brands and are willing to pay for them.

One example is the popularity of thrift shopping. Buying second-hand clothes not only to save money but as a deliberate choice not to contribute to waste. Plus, you might find something really cool.

Another trend proving their commitment is an interest in upcycling. It means taking old clothes and making something new from them. Again, it is demonstrating an eco-conscious attitude like never before.

Digital and Social Media Influence

gen z fashion

If you want to know what's hot in Gen Z fashion, look no further than TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest. It's not just that these platforms provide inspiration. They are the birthplace of trends that spread like wildfire.

Fashion challenges go viral overnight. Styles backed by influential individuals become must-haves. So, social media is where Gen Zers largely turn when deciding what to wear. The digital impact has made fashion quicker-moving, ever-changing, and open to all like never before.

Popular Gen Z Fashion Trends in 2024

gen z fashion

In 2024, fashion is being redefined by Gen Z with a combination of inclusivity, nostalgia, boldness, and digital technology. These trends reflect how this generation views style: as a merger between the past and future with self-expression at its core.

Nostalgia and Retro Aesthetics

gen z fashion

Gen Z loves nostalgia, as seen in how they adore all things retro. Especially if it's from the '90s or Y2K. However, this trend isn't just about bringing stuff back. It's a way for them to plug into something earlier while adding their own spin.

Low-rise jeans. Pearl necklaces. Baby tees. Fat trainers (sneakers). Butterfly clips. Baguette bags. All are coming back strong! What was hot two decades ago has been picked up by Gen Z-ers and refashioned for now.

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The appeal? Comfort and familiarity (wearing styles one's parents might have stepped out in) and freedom. With so many remixed options out there, you can put together a look that's all "you."

Gender Fluidity and Androgynous Style

gen z fashion

Gen Z is spearheading the movement to dismantle old-fashioned ideas about gender and fashion. They prefer clothes that are neither overly feminine nor masculine. So they can dress however they want without being confined by traditional gender norms.

For example, several years ago pearls were considered only for women. But Gen Zers think that they look good on men, too. Let’s take this bracelet, for example. We think it’s a great option for both genders.

gen z fashion Shop Pearl Bracelet Now

Labels such as Telfar are championing this approach with their gender-neutral styles. Others are going unisex for entire collections. Or offer wardrobe basics like oversized blazers or straight-leg pants that work loyally for all sexes.

This change mirrors what Gen Z customers care about more generally: equality and diversity. They believe fashion helps shape who we are. It doesn't have to be about male or female identity alone.

Bold and Maximalist Fashion

gen z fashion

Maximalism is big with Gen Z. They seem to say, "More is more." This generation isn't scared to go for it with wild prints, oversized everything, and lots of wearing at once.

Think super-bright get-ups. Huge rings worn over gloves. Bags in acid-house shades… The youth of today are breaking fashion boundaries. It's about speaking up and being seen – not backing down or fitting in with pared-back styles.

Athleisure and Elevated Comfort

gen z fashion

Gen Z fashion is still all about athleisure – but with an upgrade. While they like to be comfy, this lot doesn't want to look scruffy. They often mix sporty clothes with everyday ones.

You might spot someone in fancy joggers, heels, and pearl earrings. Or a tailored suit worn with trainers. It's about being able to wear things more than once and looking good. Basically, it means dressing up your tracksuit bottoms so you can go out in them later!

DIY and Customization Culture

gen z fashion

Customization is big right now for Gen Z. Think of lots of hand-painted jeans, embroidered jackets, tie-dye, and everything. More than any other generation before them, young people want to make stuff theirs. They want their clothes to be a form of self-expression but also fun. 

Customizing lets you create something unique that no one else has. Plus, it shows off how individual you are (because you came up with the design). It makes wearing it feel even cooler than if you'd bought it like that in the first place!

Digital Fashion and the Metaverse

gen z fashion

As true digital natives, Gen Z is taking its fashion exploration online. They are embracing both digital clothes and new virtual realms where they can wear them.

Virtual-only fashion labels are one example. The Fabricant, which sells garments that exist solely as pixels rather than physical items, counts many under-30s fans. They don't dress themselves in these clothes for social media posts. Instead, people pay to have their videogame avatars outfitted in-threaded outfits.

Fortnite has been a key collaborator. Last year, the game hosted a digital catwalk show (worn by characters in-game only) with the label Carlings. 

In this vision of future style, pixels matter just as much as atoms – if not more so. It's about innovation and the chance to do things differently for this open-minded cohort. Who knows what will catch on?

The Impact of Fast Fashion on Gen Z

gen z fashion

Gen Z has a love-hate relationship with fast fashion. Affordable and on-trend clothing allows them to keep up with the latest styles. They are consuming more fast fashion than any other group. But they're also aware of the environmental disaster their wardrobes can contribute to.

This paradox was revealed in reports such as ThredUP's analysis of Gen Z's consumption patterns. Noisier proponents of sustainable fashion practices could not be found among this cohort of shoppers.

As a result of this paradox, there is a noticeable movement towards ethical consumption. Gen Z individuals are more likely to support sustainable companies that share their beliefs. It is a fact evidenced by the popularity of eco-friendly brands and pushback against fast fashion firms.

This doesn't mean that fast fashion is going away anytime soon. Rather, in the future, those within Gen Z may blend their love for trendy clothing with a desire to do good for the planet through what they buy.

Gen Z vs. Millennial Fashion

gen z fashion

When it comes to fashion, there are notable differences between Gen Z and Millennials despite their close age proximity. Their style choices, fashion values, cultural touchstones, and aesthetic tastes all diverge.

Key Style Preferences

gen z fashion

Gen Z has a preference for loose clothes, vibrant patterns, and an affection for retro and reconstituted fashion. Their style centers on ease, imagination –– and being noticed –– with custom-made garments ranking high.

Millennials like put-together looks. Think fitted styles and clean lines, with skinny jeans and simplicity both big. In terms of fashion, they go for something more refined and lasting that can work in several different outfits. Classic pieces you can't really go wrong with.

Fashion Values and Influences

gen z fashion

Fashion preferences also vary between these age groups. Gen Z'ers are influenced by fast-moving trends. They are fueled mainly by social media as well as a solid interest in sustainability. They readily pick up new styles but are just as committed to backing ethical labels.

Millennials, conversely, lean towards classic pieces that may cost more. They consider them investments. A high-fashion aesthetic informs their choices. They look for quality and want items that will last awhile and can work for them in multiple situations throughout the day.

Cultural Aesthetic Influences

gen z fashion

Gen Z is heavily influenced by TikTok subcultures such as Cottagecore and E-girl/E-boy aesthetics. They embrace quirky fashion statements. Their style is a mishmash of different online trends and communities.

Millennials, on the other hand, take inspiration from turn-of-the-century pop culture. Think sleek office wear in muted colors. Their fashion sense often blends nostalgia with usefulness. Think of clothes that can transition well from work to play.

Aesthetic Preferences

gen z fashion

When it comes to looks, Gen Z is all about maxing out. Think mixed prints in clashing colors. They love playing around with bold combos that demand attention – even if they break old-school style rules.

Millennials, on the other hand, tend to prefer sleek neutrals or monochrome palettes. Think minimalist fashion that doesn't shout too loudly at you (think understated chic!).

Trends to Watch

gen z fashion

Looking forward, Gen Z is leading the way with trends. They prefer baggy jeans, large blazers, see-through materials, and even digital clothing. 

On the other hand, Millennials still love well-fitted suits, clothes that can be worn in many ways, and simple styles that look chic but are also useful.

These differences in fashion tastes between generations show how each group is making its own mark on the industry. And will continue to do so for some time.

Micro-Trends Fueled by Social Media

gen z fashion

Social media plays a big role in shaping fashion trends. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest aren't just places to post outfits. They're trend incubators that can take niche ideas to mainstream really fast.

These micro-trends—like "Cottagecore," "Dark Academia," or "E-girl" styles—can seem like they come out of nowhere. But within days or weeks of seeing them go viral, they'll be all over the place if they're popular.

What's also interesting is how quickly these trends drop off. Something might be a huge deal for a month, then not appear again for years – if ever. This is new because previously, it would take ages for something to get big enough to be noticed beyond people who were really into fashion.

The fact that things change so speedily online means fashion itself feels more exciting. Plus, social media has become integral to how this cycle works.

For this generation, keeping up with what everyone else is doing (or being ahead of the curve) matters. As does using style choices to show off their individuality.


gen z fashion

Gen Z is transforming the fashion industry by being daring, inclusive, and always wanting something new. Thanks to social media, their love of individuality and sustainability doesn't follow norms. Instead, it changes them for good.

The influence they've had on style isn't just strong. It's also lasting. The way we think about clothes as tools for both self-expression and culture shift won't go away anytime soon. If anything, Gen Z will only continue to push boundaries and norms further.

These young people are not followers when it comes to fashion trends. They're setters. And as they keep at it, there's every reason to believe that the future leadership in this industry will be dynamic.