Susan Miller

·Master of Fine Arts in Jewelry Design, Pratt Institute, 2012

·Bachelor of Arts in Gemology, University of California, Los Angeles, May 2005

·Editor-in-Chief, White Victoria (2018 - present)

·Write and research feature articles and profiles for print and online publication

·Contributing Writer, Modern Jeweler and Ornament

·Write and publish freelance articles for IGS and WSJ Magazine

·Jewelry Appraiser (2012 - 2020)

pearl necklace

Ever wondered what it means when someone gives you a pearl necklace? You are certainly not alone! This classic piece of jewelry draws many people in with questions about what it really means. Is it just a pretty present, or is there more to it?

A pearl necklace mostly signifies elegance, sophistication, and timeless love. Pearls have been treasured since time immemorial for purity and loyalty. 

Be given a pearl necklace as a present not only offers beautiful adornment but also a message of admiration, respect, and commitment. It is one of those acts which come straight forwardly from the heart and, therefore, always treasured, never to go out of fashion.

But that is not all. There are other meanings of what a pearl necklace symbolizes, depending on the occasion it presents. Want to know more secrets this piece of jewelry hides? 

Historical Background of Pearls

pearl necklace

For centuries, these small dainties have been used to denote one's status and wealth in society. For instance, in ancient Rome, they were so highly valued that only the upper classes could afford them. 

It is said that Cleopatra once famously dissolved a pearl in vinegar only to boast of how incredibly rich she was. From European monarchs to Chinese emperors, pearls bedecked their royalty highnesses. It was a way of illustrating power.

In all cultures, pearls have been a symbol of purity and elegance. In Japan, they speak of wisdom acquired through age and experience. In India, they were thought of as a gift of love. 

So, from queens to brides, pearls have always been prized for their timeless beauty. Besides, they have a deep cultural meaning attached to them since anyone can remember.

Affection in Romantic Relationships

pearl necklace

A pearl necklace is an eternal sign of love and commitment to romantic relationships. It's symbolic of a deep emotional bond that one usually gives to denote enduring affection and devotion. 

Just like true love, pearls are rare and valuable. Thus, they are a perfect gesture for any special occasion.

Imagine a couple celebrating their tenth anniversary. He surprises her with this beautiful pearl necklace, symbolizing the two in life's journey together. 

She opens the box, and her eyes fill with tears, knowing each pearl depicts the cherished moments they have spent. It is one sure reminder of their abiding love and being there through thick and thin.

Friendship and Appreciation

pearl necklace

A pearl necklace can be a perfect token of appreciation and admiration among friends. They symbolize the true value of a friend, like pearls. They are rare, enduring, and full of natural beauty. 

Pearls may be gifted to represent an appreciation for a person who stood by one through thick and thin. 

Visualize two close friends who have known each other since childhood. One lands her dream job, and her best friend surprises her with a dainty pearl necklacepearl necklace

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That is symbolic of her friend's admiration, proof that she has worked hard, and is a celebration of success. It becomes a valuable reminder of their friendship. Besides, it shows how they continuously support each other during those big moments that occur in life.

Cultural Significance

pearl necklace

In many cultures, pearls are talismans of good luck, prosperity, and health. The Chinese believe they assure wealth and protect against ailments. In the Middle East, pearls supposedly achieve the same results: protection and plenty. These meanings make pearls not only beautiful but also deeply symbolic gifts.

Imagine a parent giving a pearl necklace to a child going off somewhere, perhaps starting a new job or moving to another city. The thing itself is more jewelry. It is a way of wishing them prosperity and health and all the best for the future ahead.

Modern Interpretations

pearl necklace

Today, pearls are so much more than timeless talismans. Instead, they have grown to become hot fashion statements. They are worn by celebrities and everyday fashion enthusiasts. 

Think about a friend who loves to mix and match classic with modern, gifting a pearl necklace to her best friend. It would be something edgy in style, maybe oddly shaped pearls strung on a delicate chain for her friend's eclectic taste. 

Such a present would not only be a reflection of her friend's taste but also how pearls keep moving with the times in modern fashion.

Influence of Relationship Dynamics

pearl necklace

Interestingly enough, the meaning of a pearl necklace differs in terms of its contextual relationship. Such might be a token of love in romantic circles or admiration and support among friends. The nature of the relationship adds layers to the meaning of the gift.

It is clear that if a person suspects they have romantic feelings for another, he or she should communicate as clearly as possible. For example, if one friend gave another a pearl necklace, that friend may question whether more is behind the gesture. 

A conversation about intentions can help navigate the possible mixed signal and allow the gift to get the response it deserves.

Misconceptions and Slang Definitions

pearl necklace

One should know that "pearl necklace" is a kind of slang that, if not explained properly to someone, may cause misunderstandings. In some contexts, it refers to a sexual act, not a piece of jewelry.

The meanings of pearls are all about context. Giving a beautiful pearl necklace as a gift, or even talking about it, means the meaning will be clearly stated and not be confused. 

If one celebrates some appropriate moment in life with pearls, both parties must understand the real feeling behind such a gift. Then, unintended misunderstandings will not take that moment away from being heartwarming.

Personal Connection and Meaning

pearl necklace

The symbolism of a pearl necklace can be so personal; it is whatever one experiences. To one individual, it is that heirloom treasured by the family over generations. To another, it may be the symbol of romance that signals an occasion in life is very special. 

It is this unique interpretation that makes such a gift all the more meaningful. Whenever one thinks of receiving or giving a pearl necklace, one should think about the feelings and intentions behind it.

You can give them for love, to be grateful, or simply to mark an important event in one's life. Knowing what it means on a very personal level makes such a gift worth more than a pretty piece of jewelry.


pearl necklace

Getting a pearl necklace can mean a host of things: love, friendship, luck, or simple taste. Indeed, from romantic gestures to tokens of appreciation for one reason or another, pearls make versatile gifts. They are steeped in deep cultural and emotional significance.

However, each pearl necklace can tell a story since its giver, receiver, and moment are what it represents, molding its uniqueness. Commitment, admiration, or prosperity- each meaning is as special as the bond it represents.

Therefore, if you happen to have been gifted a pearl necklace, take its behind-the-scenes meaning. Enjoy its beauty and what it says since it is a gift that should be treasured.


Is a pearl necklace a good gift?

Certainly! A pearl necklace is an elegant and timeless present that symbolizes sophistication, love, and adoration. It's ideal for any celebration — or just to show someone how much they mean to you.

How do I care for my pearl necklace?

After wearing, softly wipe the pearls with a cloth. Store them separately to prevent scratches. Keep pearls away from perfumes and chemicals in order to maintain their shine.

Are pearl necklaces in style right now?

Yes, definitely! Pearl necklaces are in fashion right now, and new designs mean you can wear them whether your style is classic or contemporary. Lots of celebs and catwalk shows say so.

What are some popular styles of pearl necklaces?

Some trendy necklace styles are the classic single-strand, multi-layered, choker-style, and baroque pearls. These styles give you a choice of traditional looks or something more unique and edgy.

How can you tell if a pearl necklace is real?

If you lightly rub two pearls together, a real pearl will feel slightly gritty, while a fake one will feel smooth. You can also inspect them for minor blemishes and their natural shine.