How can you tell if pearls are real? Authenticity matters not just because faux copies command decidedly lower prices. There's also the integrity of your personal jewelry collection to consider...
28 Aug
Embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of pearls - their enigmatic origins and elusive sources revealed. Join us in exploring the captivating world behind these lustrous gems...
02 May
Need some quick tips on how to detect a fake pearl from a real one? Read about these and more here...
08 Jan
The article highlights 11 differences between real and fake pearls, including weight, shape, surface texture, temperature, drill holes, cost, sound, powder production when rubbed, overtones, and the presence of knots in necklaces...
13 Dec
Cultured pearls are those that have predominantly been grown with human intervention. However, does this process affect the pearl's value, originality, worth, and usefulness? With my long years in the jewelry industry, I'll be telling you e..
05 Nov
I will help you quickly get the essential information about Real pearls based on my years of experience in the jewelry industry...
01 Nov
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)